Healthy heart, mind and body this Spring

Winter can sometimes take it’s toll on the body and mind. After a few months rugged up indoors, it can be hard to then head out and be active once Spring arrives.

Being active physically and mentally is one of the easiest proven methods to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as maintain mental health. Health professionals have indicated 30 minutes of daily activity can reduce your risk of heart disorders whilst lowering your blood pressure and clearing the mind - thus improving mental clarity and health.

In today’s busy world, finding those 30 minutes can seem hard. From commuting, family life, busy jobs and other activities, we often find our health taking a second seat as we focus on priorities at the time.

We have put together some easy ways to incorporate 30 minutes into your day this spring. These simple steps can help your body be spring ready, and your mind clear for new opportunities and challenges.

Commuting or getting to work/school
Do you take public transport? Jump off a stop earlier and walk to work or even better, ride your bike.

Moving Meetings
Host walking meetings or start a walking group in your workplace. This could be walking to a local cafe to host your meeting, or walking as part of your break time.

Improve posture
Be sure to focus from time to time on your posture as you work - a simple adjustment can improve the strength of your back as well as improve your overall health.

Join a fitness group
Sign up for a fresh challenge fitness group to keep you motivated. Just one class a week can make a difference.

Walk the dog
One of the most rewarding walks can be walking your dog. Not only will your dog love it, but the 30 minutes of exercise you will get is also a win-win.

Springtime is when gardens boom. Got that veggie patch that needs tending, getting out in the garden for some weeding, planting or mowing can count as daily exercise.

Spring cleaning is often on everyone’s agenda. Adding in 30 minutes of cleaning not only leaves a fresh, clutter-free home but your mind and body will also thank you.

Office Standing
It is easy to get into work and become immersed in activities, with little time to stand up and stretch. An easy way to activate our muscles is by standing whilst working. Invest in a stand-up desk or simply schedule standing breaks to activate and re-energise. As little as 3 minutes of standing or exercises such as calf raises or squats, can counteract the impacts of sitting.


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