Agricultural leader transforms lives one punnet at a time.

When looking at transformational leaders who have made an impact, created change and inspired others, it is hard to look past Tony Rinaudo, the Forest Maker.

With over 25 years of experience in Agronomy and multiple international awards to his name, Tony has transformed millions of hectares of dry land across Africa whilst assisting farmers through his implementation of a conservation farming system. Working as World Vision’s Natural Resources Management Specialist, Tony has access to vital funding, key in the delivery of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR).

Our Eureka Blueberries 5-cent punnet donation aids Tony in his quest for environmental stability and food security. Donations from the sales of Eureka Blueberries directly invest in this program. The funds provide key personnel, water management assets, government assistance as well local training and resources.

Tony believes that with FMNR, he has found the best method that can successfully be practised by farmers, to stop and even reverse the destruction of landscapes and the livelihoods they support. This in turn provides a sustainable farming practice for future generations and additional resources to support the lives of millions.

In Niger alone, five million hectares of land with over 200 million trees were restored using FMNR. This also equated to 50,000 more tonnes of grain being harvested, with two and a half million people benefiting from the improved use of the land and their livelihood.

Through this simple reforestation technique, which is supported by the profits from Eureka punnets, Tony can make a significant change, whilst inspiring future generations to live and farm sustainably. He has led the movement and provides continued positive impact on food security, and environmental sustainability – alongside building resilience for thousands of communities in need.

We all can make a big impact through small actions and our partnership with World Vision is one way we are leading the category in lending support to generate change globally.


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